Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Red Meat - Breast Cancer

I am so sick of all the news coming out this week about eating red meat raises the risk of beast cancer!!!. You can read about it here. I LOVE eating red meat; it is one of my favorite foods to eat. Now I have people calling me to tell me this bad news and how I have to watch it. I say I don't care, but I do.

I think it's all the crap that goes into the red meat here. I mean the meat I used to eat from back home was not USDA approved or whatever but it was better tasting and very good for you.

Come ‘on! I am just so pissed off about this. I know I only have to cut down on the amount of red meat I eat, but there is no substitute. Ahh.... I guess I can eat salmon, oh well... that's my rant for now.


Naijadude said...

Sweetie, you are too good for cancer, when you the power of God working in you, you can cut short on the consumption but please dont give it up. Live and enjoy life!!

zeyi said...

@ Overwhelmed...I feel you, I hate chicken, that I could give up.

@ Naijadude...I know, I am gonna cut it short but I hate to have to